Wednesday 30 April 2014

Making April my Bitch

Weigh In Wednesday

Making April my Bitch

The month of March I decided to actively make healthier food choices. Smart food choices (I refuse to say "diet" as it's a lifestyle change) resulted in a 7 pound loss.  For April, I had decided to kick it up a notch and start working out actively again.  The idea was to use Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred when I could or take the babies for a long walk.  I did the 30 Day Shred then switched to Ripped in 30, for a total of 8 times and walked with the babies 6 times for more then two hours at a time.  We had some shorter walks too.  

I hadn't actively worked out since before I was pregnant.  I wish I worked out during my pregnancy.  The first trimester I was absurdly exhausted.  I would sleep in my car at lunch.  Come home from work and fall asleep immediately after dinner.  I know, excuses, but I felt I couldn't function.  Second trimester I had preformus issues and couldn't move.  Third trimester I was as big as a house.  Have you ever seen a woman pregnant with twins? I was ginormous.  I hate to use excuses but I swear I feel they were super legit excuses!

Now, I have no excuses.  I could say having 3.5 month old twins are an excuse, but that's a sham.  "If it's important to you, you'll find away.  If it's not, you'll find an excuse."  I want to be a healthy example for them.  I try to work out while they are napping.  But if they wake up, they are at the awesome stage where they are smiling and starting to laugh and they find my jumping and stumbling about very humerous.  It's win win really: I keep them entertained while I become a healthy example for them.  Not going to lie, I have had to pause my workout DVDs a few times to do a surprise feeding, but got right back to it.

April I was ok with my food choices.  I made veggies a priority. I allowed a few treats, mostly planned so I wouldn't beat myself up over it.  I lost 5 pounds in April. It could have been more but truthfully, I had a couple of days where I overindulged a bit more then I should have.  Hey, I'm human.  For instance, yesterday, when I ate everything in sight. Mostly crap food to boot.  Bah. And the sad thing was it didn't taste as good as I hoped, I don't like regretting treats and I try not to.  But yesterday's cheat meal became a whole cheat day and it wasn't worth it.  You think I would learn that by now, but alas, today is a new day so back at it I go!

As a reminder to myself my reasons for getting my arse moving:

1. My babies.  To be a healthy example for them.

2. My babies.  To be here to watch them grow up.

3.  My sister's wedding in September.  I refuse to be the "fat" sister walking down the aisle.  I was sometimes referred to as such.  (Never my family, but acquaintances and such).  I was not comfortable in my own skin at my own wedding, I don't like feeling that way.  I am going to feel good about myself at my sister's wedding.

4.  For myself. Because, like the Clariol commercial, "I'm worth it."

May starts tomorrow, and I plan on kicking asses and taking names.

Making May my Bitch.

Thrifty Tip: There are a bunch of Jillian Michael's workouts for free on  I believe week one and week three from Ripped in 30 plus other workouts.  Check them out, she will kick your ass.  (Or if you want the full DVD, check out, they always sell her DVDs for under $10.  I love/hate her.  She designs her workouts to be about 30 minutes in length in what she calls 3-2-1 circuits. Three circuits of 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs.  If you're one of those people who claim they "get bored with workout DVDs" she was a billion different workouts, there's no way you'll get bored, just change them up.  Cheaper then a gym membership!


  1. Congrats on your weight loss in March and April. Starting up working out is always beneficial. I always feel better when I'm in the habit of working out. You will rock May! :)

  2. Great job! 5 lbs is a great loss for a month!

    I will be making May my bitch as well. Good luck!

  3. I am spending May with Jillian too! I am doing the 30 Day Shred :)
    Great loss for the month!

  4. Good job! :) I agree with it not being a diet but a lifestyle change!
